
I’m very grateful to have worked with such diverse and soulful clients, and for their direct and honest reflection on our work together.

“Bowen helped me realize why I was drinking. It wasn’t a conversation I was going to have with myself but he set the perimeter for me to walk. I am grateful for his help as it changed the course of my life. I used to be of the mindset of what I would lose something when I stopped drinking, but after some honest conversation with Bowen, it became apparent what I would gain would be more than I ever imagined.” — Steve

“With the ongoing passage of time I discovered, not entirely surprisingly, that I had accumulated and nurtured a system of behaviors, habits, and beliefs that had both positive and negative influences on my more mature life. Some were very effective and efficient at guiding professional endeavor and associated success. And others were maladaptive, getting in the way of higher achievement, or actually limiting a realization of happiness.

Bowen has been very helpful in directing me in ways that allow me to recognize the maladaptive practices and develop a strategy for altering behavior to more comfortably align with the positive views and approaches to life that I find more healthy and beneficial. He does this without preaching or scolding. After some time I have now found that the guidance comes more from within. Old patterns get deeply ingrained, and it has been very helpful for me to have his direct personal coaching to help me realize a fuller version of myself.” — Spencer

“Bowen’s coaching was critical for me as I developed my identity as a writer. I always wanted to be a writer, but was terrified of putting pen to paper. He helped me step into not only becoming a writer but to put the process into bite-size pieces that I could easily digest. As a human, he is engaging, inspiring, resourceful and lends a powerful perspective. Six months after working with him, I was given an opportunity to co-author an anthology. I don’t think I would’ve been able to commit to turning my piece in had I not done the work with him. I have a lot of gratitude for Bowen both as a coach and a human being.” — Serin

“Bowen has been an important mentor for me over the years. Whether it’s discussing meditation, sobriety, nautical exploration, connecting with my intuition, or navigating challenging relationship dynamics, Bowen always shows up with presence and empathy. He is a genuinely, good hearted individual who leads by example and has a wealth of life experience to pull wisdom from. I’m grateful to have him in my life, and always look forward to our conversations!” — Ben

“Bowen has natural presence that makes you immediately feel safe and invites you to authentically share yourself. He will attentively listen to you, reflect back and guide you back to your body to help you tune in and listen to your own wisdom. Having a session with Bowen feels like magic—you feel comfortable to share, insights flow and more ease emerges as a result —an essential environment for a change to occur. Bowen is guiding you as well as providing you with tools that you can use on your own. You are getting two sessions in one: being guided by a deeply grounded, experienced coach and given tools for self-guidance in the future. I highly recommend Bowen to anyone seeking more clarity in life.” — Silvie